Art is a life speech
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Art comes from life, but higher than life, art is life's extraction, processing and re creation. Artists from the life of the extraction of valuable, meaningful content, the use of the arts, which in turn enrich people's lives, to bring new enjoyment.
Art comes from life, but higher than life, art is life's extraction, processing and re creation. Artists from the life of the extraction of valuable, meaningful content, the use of the arts, which in turn enrich people's lives, to bring new enjoyment. As a method of performance art, must not be applied mechanically, or repeated life, but there are trade-offs extraction essence of life. In the process of extraction, because each person's life is different, the content of the different, the environment is different, the feeling is not the same, so the work is not the same, it is these differences, to meet the needs of different people. People stand on a different point of view to look at, taste the work, and enjoy the beauty of the United States.